Thursday, December 28, 2017

What Is Social Media Marketing?

Social Media marketing is taking over the planet. In retrospect, I am telling the truth. As you can see, everyone has already adapted to the new age where communication is no longer a problem. As a matter of fact, your grandma can be found on Facebook as well. If you’re wondering, this is where you […]

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

How Does Google Rank Websites?

If you’ve been sticking around SEO for quite some time now, then you probably know about the great race going to the top of the SEO ladder.

Considering all of the factors you have to face just to get to the brighter side of Google’s pages, it’s safe to say that beating competition, figuring out Google’s algorithm, and other digital nuisances aren’t the easiest task to do. Your rivals are showing everything they got in this business.

The thing about winning the page battle is that it isn’t about which website worked the hardest, rather, it’s about which site worked the smartest. It’s definitely a long journey, but just like everything else, it certainly has a shorter route.

This time around, we’re going to touch the tip of how Google does its ranking. By the end of this article, hopefully, you’ll be able to take home some valuable info on how to beat competitors. Let’s go!

• Google’s Algorithm

While it’s true that there over two-hundred running factors that basically tells us how Google operate, there’s one very specific factor that needs to be highlighted. It’s Google’s PageRank.

In a sense, the big guys at Google created this algorithm to help them figure out which ones are the most searched. The quality and quantity of links you use greatly matters in this ordeal.

Generally speaking, when there are more sites that use your website on their pages, Google automatically sees your site as an authority.

• Keyword Influence

Keywords are what makes your site identified as a reliable source of information. Using keywords that are relevant to your niche greatly boosts up your site’s traffic. Let me help you out.

(1) Know Your Content’s Topic

It’s crucial you know what your audience wants. Using relevant keywords as your subject is important, if you know what your readers are going to look for, it generally gives you more traffic.

(2) Research on Keywords

Find out keywords that will click to your audience. Having one primary keywords is good; however, it always helps to implement synonymous keywords to your content for visibility. It adds weight to your standing in the search engine.

• On-page Optimization

Add everything together and you have a perfectly made website for on-page optimization. This is the piece of SEO that’s shown on the webpage.

Sure, there’s a lot to cover in this area, but it certainly packs a heavy punch to the overall ranking. To pain you a clearer picture, you’re going to observe the following structure.

-High-quality content that speaks volumes for your readers. It should contain at least 500 words as the article’s minimum. The ideal word count would be 1,500 per page.

-Primary keywords should be used in the headlines and sub-headlines. Repeated at least two or three times throughout the content as well.

-Use authoritative sites as your go-to links for your content. Preferably, it should link back to your site.

Surely, getting your site to the top page takes a lot of work. Our team (with over 5 years of experience) can help you get your site from the last page to the top page at a reasonable cost. Contact us for more info.

How Does Bing Ranks Website?

Who’s ready for change? Unfortunately, not everyone is all geared up for any drastic changes anytime soon. However, there’s a lot going on for people who are willingly ready for diversification. The best part? You can take advantage.

Let’s take a walk down on memory lane back to 1998 (where most of us were just kids) since that year, everyone’s going bananas over the SEO that’s happening in Google. It’s been nearly over two decades.

In other words, Google has become a dreadful battleground for newcomers who want to start their own digital marketing business.

This is where the often disregarded Bing comes into play. As you can see, people believe – even pros – that if you’re on the top page of Google, you’re also doing just dandy on Bing as well.

However, that’s not even close to the truth. Just like how sites are different from one another, algorithms have their own worlds, too. I’ll walk you through the mind of Bing.

  • User Engagement is a Must

If you want to play with Bing, you need to know what “Pogo Sticking” is. Apparently, the big guys at Bing are very particular with how many people click on your site then just goes back.

Although you’re generating traffic from all of those clicks, Bing doesn’t see it as a signal to move your rank higher. Keep your users longer on your site, and you’ll be moving up in no time.

  • Backlinks on Bing

Studying Google SEO, you may already be aware how particular Google is with links directed to your site. However, it’s a different case with Bing. As we speak, there’s no clear evidence that links on Bing makes a significant impact.

It appears that Bing wants you to grow you link profile in order to have them in your favor. In other words, you need to use “do-follow links” with the precise anchor text. (By the way, it should have your primary keyword.) We can safely derive that quantity outplays quality in this search engine.

It’s important to note that there are two types of backlinks that makes you a winner on Bing:

  • Organic Links

This calls us to backlink our content to certain trusted sites that generates real readers to your website. You ideally would want to go with .edu, .org and .gov if you want to be the top site on Bing.

  • Old but Gold Domains

Bing is in it for the number games. Linking to old domains is a huge plus for your site on Bing. It carries an algorithm that makes it believe that age is linked together with reliability.

From this alone, you can immediately tell that Bing is welcoming spammers onto the search engine. An example would be Len, from Telapost. The sites have been there since the late ‘90s, and still chilling on first page.

  • Abusive Links

Bing is pretty similar to Google in this case. Sites that have paid links or other sketchy link tactics aren’t welcome on Bing.

Once your site gets caught, Bing’s algorithm automatically gets de-listed. As much as possible, take down websites that are spamming your site.

Monday, December 18, 2017

4 Benefits of Digital Marketing in Illinois

4 Benefits of Digital Marketing in Illinois

If you’ve been paying attention to the new, traditional marketing is no longer a popular choice for young entrepreneurs. As far as marketing goes, digital marketing is known to be the new age of how businessmen market their products.

While you may be familiar with marketing thru TV ads, billboards, and even emails, these are no longer a salesman’s first choice. Right now, we’re welcoming the age of web tracking, PPC, and of course, the iconic SEO itself.

Its growth is taking over the population. Naturally, it wouldn’t have made this far it digital marketing wasn’t giving results. Communication, responsiveness, and engagement have become an easy task for businesses.

In any case, for those people who are looking forward to taking a curve to digital marketing, I have listed down below of the advantages you’ll get.

Measurable results

Okay, let’s say you’re a big-time baller and you’ve decided to use a billboard to advertise your services. However, there’s no telling how many people actually paid attention to your advertisement.

At the same time, it’s impossible to tell how many passersby actually took the time to read your flyers. Chances are, they’re only using it as their scratch paper.

Here’s the thing that I love about digital marketing, you can actually have a measure as to how many people paid attention to your links. Meaning, you’ll be able to identify if your way of marketing your business is actually effective or not.

Flexibility Factor

One thing that customers love is personalization. They want something that’s solely made for their needs. Unfortunately, it’s a different story when it comes to traditional marketing. As a rule, it’s mostly generic.

However, you can change that by flying with digital marketing. You’ll be able to take advantage of a person’s interests and incorporate it into your business. This is by far one of the most important points to take note of.


If you think that investing in traditional marketing has a low price, then you really need to do more research. Putting your business into outlets like TV, ads, even radios are going to cost you more than just a couple of hundred bucks.

As for going to digital marketing as means of advertisement, you’ll be able to get the right price package depending on how small or large your business scale is. In other words, it’s pretty possible to start with a low capital rate rather than immediately shooting for the stars.

Reach larger audiences

You can literally find everyone online. Everyone and everything are posted on the World Wide Web. Digital marketing mainly focuses on this aspect and use it to its advantage.

Reaching to relevant audience overseas is made possible. On the other hand, traditional means you have to settle for the people who are located within your chosen area. And mind you, you’re paying expensive rates for it.

Call Us Now

It’s about time we bring your business to the digital age. Contact us to reach your business’s untapped potential. We’ll gladly cater to your needs as soon as we can.

The Importance of Digital Marketing in Illinois

The Importance of Digital Marketing in Illinois1If you’ve been observing the market in the past few years, there’s no denying the drastic change. Right now, everyone’s going crazy with the change. Digital marketing in Illinois is in, analogue is out.

While old businessmen may find this change to be annoying, this can be the perfect opportunity for young entrepreneurs to take over the show. Now, I’m not saying the veterans aren’t able to keep up, but this time around, it’s going to be on a different battlefield.

As you may have already known, in the world of marketing, things are unpredictable. You don’t know what the next move is for the market. However, you ARE able to study the trend lines. And right now, from the looks of it, it seems that digital marketing in Illinois is a favorite approach for consumers.

So, what made me say this? Well, simply because everyone’s on their mobile phones, laptops, desktop, and much more. Just a fair warning, for businesses that are afraid to adapt to this change, I wish you all the best. Your time is almost over.


So, what’s up with digital marketing in Illinois and why is everyone making it a big deal? The thing is, we are in a trade where we give what the consumers wants. The growing force of this approach is pretty darn strong, and it seems it’s only just begun.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Technology Holiday Challenge

Kids today are smarter than adults when it comes to smart devices and navigating the internet.  A bold statement for sure, but a true one.  Our company 123 ABC Media loves technology.  We focus on helping companies to succeed on the internet with their business in many ways.  So, we are looking to give back and help promote technology education by holding a contest for kids.

In our challenge at 123 ABC Media we offer a free to enter contest in which kids ages 8 to 17 can write about their favorite technology device.  The top 3 submissions will win prize money just in time for the holidays.

This contest is for all kids everywhere and the aim is to get the kids and the parents to think more about technology.  And to reward the kids who at times the parents may try to keep them away from these devices for reasons such as homework, family time etc.  All good reasons lol.  But still, we want to encourage the love of technology to flourish.

Just how smart are kids these days when it comes to technology?  Well according to the CNET article they also talk about how kids are even smarter than their parents when it comes to technology and the smart devices.   We have so much faith in kids and appreciate their abilities that we will be moving to featuring kids on our website by having them give little podcasts or videos on technology.  This will be a one of its kind instruction so stay tuned!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Web Design vs Web Development

You can leave it to Google Analytics to confuse us with the difference between Web Design and Web Development. As you can see, everyone’s typing for both keywords. In other words, these two things are really in demand in the market today.

Recently, if you have been paying attention to what’s been happening around, these two are often referred to as “web companies” in general.

But the truth can be surprising at times. While the general public may confuse these two terms together, and often they are known to be similar in terms of aspects and fundamentals, it couldn’t be further from the truth.

Now that we know they are different, it’s about time we finally know what makes them truly different from one another. This is important as a business owner it would lead you to know more about what you need for your company and what you’re looking for in an employee.

Web Design

When you’re a web designer, the first thing that you need to prioritize is getting hold of what the client’s objectives are. After that has been established, you proceed to an IA. In other words, Information Architecture. The design process is set in the next phase.

Of course, you can’t jump right away to the actual design stage itself. You need to make your site’s wireframes before you’re able to do so. There are a number of basic design principles you can follow for a pleasing layout for your audience.


The layout should be in perfect balance. In order to achieve this, pros usually go for heavy and light elements for the site. Proportion is everything in this profession. If not, the whole site is going to look off.


Grab your color wheel from before, and you’ll know what contrast is. It’s basically the colors that are on the other side. Or direct opposite.

Veteran designers would usually take a look at contrasting sizes, textures shapes, and other factors to find where contrast is applicable.


This is when web designers want to highlight certain important elements. By the way, don’t make the novice mistake of accidentally highlighting everything in context. At the end, it’s not going to be of use.

Web Development

You may often hear people call web devs as programmers. They basically have a different job than the designer as they make use of the design and turn it into a working website.

Just to avoid confusion, think of it differently. The designers create and think of an aesthetically pleasing layout for the site while the developers take it a step further and break up the parts.

The people who are in this trade usually use HTML or a more dynamic method. But if you’re a pro, going for Content Management System is their go-to choice.

Contact Us

Web developers and Web designers are two important pieces of the puzzle. Without them, digital marketing wouldn’t be made possible. Make sure to give us a call if you want to create a killer website for your audience.